ScaleFlyt is always evolving. This page gives you a quick overview of the changes made in the November 2023 - "Noble Nightingale" - product release.
We are pleased to introduce the Noble Nightingale release of the ScaleFlyt platform, rolled out throughout November 2023. In this release, we have added new features, introduced several improvements, and addressed various bugs to enhance your user experience.
Change of Flight Plan Direction
Users can now change their flight plan’s direction, mostly to plan a wayback plan or in case of change to the flight direction.
Integration of Custom Checklist in ESSENTIAL Plans
The Custom Checklist feature is now an integral part of ESSENTIAL plans. Whenever an Organisation gets upgraded to ESSENTIAL, Custom Checklists shall be part of the parcel.
Display of ‘Flight authorisation ID’ on ScaleFlyt Remote ID tracker
The Remote ID tracker information card has been updated to display ‘Flight authorisation ID’. If the Flight authorisation ID is not found and the mission is in Singapore, ‘No flight authorisation ID found’ is displayed on the live tracker information card.
Incorporation of flight authorisation identifier in real-time telemetry
The Remote ID tracker configuration now incorporates the Flight authorisation identifier into the real-time telemetry data stream, when the stream is forwarded to the correct recipient (e.g., CFMS in Singapore).
Updated behaviour of ScaleFlyt Remote ID tracker configuration
Updated the behaviour of the Remote ID tracker configuration to show progress when clicking the update button. The information dialog box repeats the configuration details before and after the update with the explanation of what will happen after clicking the update button.
Addition of new OACI map for missions in Switzerland
Added a new OACI map for missions in Switzerland.
Available for ESSENTIAL subscribers only.
Default ScaleFlyt tracker configuration upon tracker creation
A default tracker configuration is now added upon tracker creation to avoid error on first connection. This configuration is overridden by a flight.
Updated ScaleFlyt Remote ID tracker icon on live map
The Remote ID tracker icon on the Live Map has been updated to display the drone icon.
Updated “Duration” component
The “Duration” component has been updated to improve the time component behaviour. This component allows users to input time in hours, minutes, seconds, days, and months.
Updated “Date Picker” component
The “Date picker” component has been updated to improve the time component behaviour.
Updated "Annotate" section in drawer
We've updated the annotate section in the drawer to allow users to hide mission annotations when they are not needed. A chevron has been added to open or close the flight annotations and the mission annotations, and an eye-open/eye-closed icon has been added on the annotations drawer.
Added assistive information on flight component row card
Added assistive information on the Flight Component Row Card when there is missing information in the Flight Components section. Tooltips, badge icons, or alert bars are displayed as needed.
Updated feedback/assistive text
We've updated the feedback/assistive text to enhance user experience. An icon is now always displayed at the beginning of the feedback text, and an informative status has been added.
Improved performance of organisation flight log filter
Improved the performance of the organisation flight log filter to optimize memory usage and perform more efficient queries, thus preventing application crashes.
Fix for zoom issue with mission location image
We've fixed an issue where the mission location image in the card could be zoomed in and out, preventing page scroll.
Fix for application update blank page issue
We've fixed an issue where the an application update caused a blank page after each deployment. It was necessary for the user to refresh the page to remove the blank page.
Fix for mission status refresh issue
We've fixed an issue where the mission status was not refreshing without refreshing the page.
Fix for User Interface distance between text and units
We've fixed an issue with the distance between text and units display on the User Interface. In some cases the value and unit text appeared "stuck" to one another.
Fix for logbook dashboard computation limitation
We've fixed an issue where the Logbook dashboard computation was limited by pagination. The ‘Flight time’ and number of ‘Flights’ shown on the Logbook Dashboard now always display the totals for the whole dataset, regardless of pagination.
Fix for ‘Export as CSV’ limitation in logbook
We've fixed an issue where the ‘Export as CSV’ in the Logbook was limited by pagination. The complete dataset is now exported each time, regardless of the pagination. The equipment list is also correctly exported in the export CSV.
Fix for missing notifications after ScaleFlyt Remote ID firmware update failure
We've fixed an issue where notifications did not appear on the user’s account after failing the ScaleFlyt Remote ID firmware update 3 times and after successfully installing the new firmware.
Fix for ScaleFlyt Remote ID tracker downloading previous configuration
We've fixed an issue where the tracker was still downloading the previous configuration when no new flight had been setup.
Updated rules for disabling update button in Real-time tracking tab
The rules for disabling the update button in the real-time tracking tab have been updated. The “Update” button is now disabled if there is no registration number but a flight authorisation identifier is present in the configuration.
Fix for error when creating a flight with only a name
The error when creating a flight with only a name has been fixed.
Fix for deleting avatar
The issue with deleting avatar has been fixed.
Fix for export PDF rendering freeze on some missions
The issue with the export PDF rendering freezing on some missions has been fixed.
Resolution of PDF Export functionality freezing the page
The issue with the PDF export functionality freezing the page has been resolved.
Fix for mission flight window component not storing values
The issue with the mission flight window component not storing values has been fixed.
Fix for application crash when clicking on notification bell
The issue with the application crashing when the user clicked on the notification bell has been fixed.
Resolution of issue with manually entering more than 23 hours in equipment records
The issue that prevented manually entering more than 23 hours in equipment records has been resolved.
Fix for checkboxes in the export annotations page
The issue with checkboxes in the export annotations page has been fixed. Users can now check/uncheck by clicking on the checkboxes.