How to create flights

Flights are logs on steroids, they combine the Fly and Log tools previously used in ScaleFlyt. With them, we introduce the notion of workflows and add a comprehensive suite of trade-specific tools.

Localisation | Where do I find Flights?

Flights are available from the lower menu inside Missions.



Create : 

To create a flight click on the create button at the top left.

Flight Creation Screen Recording

Speed up flight creation: Only the Flight name is necessary to create a Flight.


Other available fields:

  • Flight Name | The name reference for this Flight
  • Pilot | The name of the pilot who will fly the created Flight
  • Drone | The drone used or to be used for the Flight
  • Tracker | If you have Remote IDs trackers, select the one used for the Flight
  • Additional equipment | Additional equipment related to this Flight
  • Take-off date | Date of take-off for the Flight
  • Take-off time | Time of take-off for the Flight
  • Take-off location | Geographical location of the Flight's take-off point
  • Landing time or duration | Choice : Time of landing or duration of the Flight
    if you chose duration you must also fill in Take-off time
  • Landing date | Date of landing for the Flight
  • Landing time | Time of landing for the Flight
  • Landing location | Geographical location of the Flight's landing point
  • Comments, incidents or accidents | Free text entry to records information related to the Flight