Aircraft and equipment management

Keeping a full record of your drone operations is crucial for proper governance and compliance. ScaleFlyt makes it easy to store all of your flight details alongside your mission plans with one central point of record.

Drone flight logbook

Gain full transparency and auditability with our flight logging capabilities. Log take-off and landing times and the duration of each flight within your organisation and pilot logbooks.

Logbooks help you track all your flight information by keeping a record of any other flight notes or comments.


UAS management

Keep a comprehensive record of all drones in your inventory and associate specific drones to missions and flights.

Aircraft and equipment management-Montage


Batteries, Remote ID trackers and other equipment management

Keep a comprehensive record of batteries, remote id trackers, payload or specific equipment of all types.

Monitor their usage and find out where and when they were used. All this information is also stored in the flight logs.