30 April 2021 | Logbook, Weather, Side navigation

Soarizon is always evolving. This page gives you a quick overview of the changes made in this product release.



As a user, I can search, sort, filter and page my logbook to quickly find a set of logbooks.


Adding searching by :

flight log name

mission name

Adding sorting by:

Modified: Most recent to oldest

Modified: Oldest to most recent

Take off: date/time: Oldest to newest

Take off date/time: Newest to oldest

Flight log name: A to Z

Flight log name: Z to A

Adding filters by :


drop down of all drones in the logbook

Take off date/time

behaviour as per the current flight date

Drone configuration

drop down of all drone configurations in the logbook

By default

all filters off


showing 10 items per page

Export behaviour:

When the export to CSV button is clicked, only the currently displayed flight logs are shown.



Side navigation

Refactoring the main navigation. The main changes concern the organisation's navigation layer.




Remove the weather widget from mission overview.